BPH in Dogs

bph in dogs

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (PBH) in Dogs

Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) is the most common form of prostate enlargement in dogs. The condition is characterized by swelling of the prostate, which may be painless and only discovered during routine examinations at the vet.

All breeds are affected by the condition and are mostly detected in intact (unneutered) dogs between the age of 1-2 years old. Neutered dogs are unaffected by PBH. PBH is usually caused by hormonal imbalances as a result of age-related changes within the body.


The prostate is situated between the bladder and rectum. As a result, swollen prostates may cause constipation and troubles with urination. Serious cases may also affect the gait of sufferers, causing stiff movements and short steps. Blood may be found in urine and seminal fluids. Additional symptoms (such as pus in may occur in the presence of infection or cancerous cases.


BPH may be discovered during a routine physical examination, especially in symptomless cases. Vets will request a comprehensive medical history of your pet to form a clearer assessment of the situation. BPH is usually confirmed with the positive results in the analysis of bodily fluids, through chemical blood profiles, blood count tests, and urinalysis.

Fluid samples may be collected through ejaculation or prostate massage.

Diagnostic scans such as X-ray and ultrasound will help vets determine the size of the swollen prostate gland and its effect on surrounding organs. These detailed scans will help determine the most effective treatment for your pet.


Castration/neutering is the recommended form of treatment for BPH. It reduces the size of the prostate to recover within 3-6 weeks upon surgery. Antibiotics may be prescribed in the case of infection while vets will drain detected abscesses. Chronic cases are treated with injections or surgery to administer direct treatment as ingested medicine cannot penetrate the barrier between blood and prostate glands.

Estimated Fees

The entire PBH treatment is available between $1,000 to $3,000. However, additional costs may be required for intact sufferers on medical treatment. This is due to the high rate of recurrence.

Home Care and Management for Dogs with PBH

Owners are advised to reduce their pets’ physical activities for a week up to 10 days upon neutering. The affected pet should be taken for a physical assessment at the end of the period. It is vital to send your pets for a second opinion if swelling persists after surgery. This may indicate a more serious condition or an aggressive infection.

If your dog requires surgery or long-term medications to manage his BPH you will spend thousands of dollars on treatment. Pet insurance can help pay for veterinary costs when your dog is sick or injured.


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